Being installed in the couch corner with tea and big socks gives me unexpected knitting time, so I finished one of Natalie‘s designs early. (Can’t say more, ’cause it’s a gift.) This was a challenge to be finished by the end of the month. If I’m lucky I might win one of her patterns that I’ve coveted ever since I saw her prototype.

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Called the store about the damaged tank, and they said they’d hold the only other one in the store for me to do an exchange, and ‘very sorry’. You better … Marg will provide transportation again sometime next week. Yay! And we’ll go shopping for Christmas presents and yummies. Double yay! I decided to knit her a little thank you shawlette, and I’ve got the perfect yarn for it.

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Our Sunday morning stitch’n’bitch is looking for new digs, since the groups is outgrowing the Starbucks very fast. We tried the Second Cup down the road from my place this morning, and peeps seemed quite taken with it. That would be an awesome meeting place for me, perfect biking distance, and even walkable in a pinch and when it’s not raining cats and dogs.

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5°C – sun and clouds

I finally managed to get the Christmas lights up. Took me a while to string the new lights, and the wind was fierce. It gave me a heart attack when it blew the ladder over and into our glass door. Thankfully I wasn’t on it, and the door survived. The plastic protector broke off the top of the ladder, but that I can live with.

We had dinner at the Mongolian Village with the tiger’s brother and his wife. They’re expecting a baby in the spring, and we were busy discussing the pros and cons of various names. I’ll have to find me a pattern for a nice heirloom baby blanket. Always exciting to welcome an extension to the family.

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*Brrrr* It cooled down considerably. Waiting for the bus on my way to knitting tonight the thought of zipping the winter liner into my jacket crossed my mind a few times. I set up the kettle for my hot chocolate as soon as I was there. Yum.

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Stash-along meet at the Royal Oak. The crowd was convivial, projects awesome, but the service, unfortunately didn’t impress. There seems to be an Alpaca wool blend out that’s being sold half price because of a typo on the ball bands. It feels awesome; I’ll have to look into that.

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The trap was untouched this morning. I must have scared the pants off the little sucker. I’ve put another trap in the basement ceiling which seems to be their main highway. With the temperatures dipping lower and lower outside I can’t really say I blame them for trying their luck inside, but apart from any sanitary concerns, I really don’t want the kitchen flooded from a gnawed-thru dishwasher hose or my precious camelspins, alpacas and lace silks converted into mouse nests.

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The knitniters threw a bit of a goodbye party today for Sarah who’s moving to Toronto. There were lots of goodies, gifts, hugs, and even a bit of bubbly. Good thing there’s blogs and Ravelry for staying in touch. *hint, hint*

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We found an excellent breakfast place, called ‘Lunch Box’. A good food, no frills place, right around the corner, reasonably priced, seems to be the locals’ choice. If you’re staying in the High Park area, give it a try.

We then marched to and thru all the yarn stores in the downtown area, and I’ll be bringing home looooots of loot. Also did the touristy thingy thru Chinatown:

dried shrimp

Lunch was a very yummy affair at ‘The Grilled Cheese’ in Kensington Market. Conveniently close to ‘Lettuce Knit‘, where we were told about ‘Nuit Blanche‘ that night and decided to share in the fun. At The Knit Cafe, they were preparing this fantastic knit art installation

knit installation

and invited us for an all night knit night. While we didn’t stay all night (we had some plans for the next day after all), we joined them from 7pm to around 10:30. And bought yarn of course. *hrmp*

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Finished the sample mittens last weekend and finally got around to taking some pictures. Yay!


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