Started a shawl with the Jojoland yarn. It’s going to be a b-day present, so no more about it at this point. *zzzzip*

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I’m behind on the Pi KAL

The fourth installment was posted on Sunday, and I just did the first few rounds of the third. I did, however finish the shawl for my mom:


That’s the first Christmas present taken care of. Yay!

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This morning the living room was actually chilly. The thermostat read 18°C, and I had to put on socks. I think the last time I wore socks was some time in early June. It’s gray and rainy and generally very autumnal outside. All those shawl lying about the house sure come in handy today. *brrr*

So, I did what one does on a rainy weekend, I took a long luxurious bath, knitted my way thru the second installment of the Pi shawl KAL and finished my first stash basket:


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Much cooler today

I actually sat out on the deck in the sun with my newest project for a couple of hours. I think the last time I ventured out of the shade if I didn’t have to was in back in May. ;o)

I’m working on a stash basket that’s going to be a prototype for a whole system of yarn storage I want to put up in the stairwell to the basement. In the spirit of: A wall is a shelf waiting to happen.

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Finished the prototype of my very first shawlette design. I still have to fudge the math on the increases a bit to make the base angles a bit more acute, so that it’ll be easier to use as a neckcloth, but overall I’m quite happy with the way it looks:


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26°C – rain

Well, I got one trellis done, ready to be mounted as soon as the paint dries. After that it started to pour.

So I spent the day researching pattern makers. Not the colorwork type this time, but the symbol charts for pattern knitting or crochet. There seems to be only one decent one out there, which I might try the demo version of.

But I found a set of symbols for download as a true type font. Four bucks. Very cool. The tiger suggested a vector graphics program  for writing the charts, and I must say I like. I have to work my way through one or the other Inkscape tutorial now. Exciting stuff this. I know I get excited about the weirdest things.

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Still stormy

… but much less so.

I finished a lace silk shawl that I’m very happy with. It’s light and airy, and the colors are woodland soothing:


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30°C – sun and clouds

Just took my Noro shawl off the blocking pins and thought I’d share a picture:


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Finished and blocking

Finished and blocking
Originally uploaded by hianja

I’m quite pleased with it. The extra repeats keep the shawl from sliding off my shoulders. It’s almost like a cape.

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Good use for a rainy day

Had a blast today with a handful of other knitters making body doubles of ourselves as dress forms. Picture a bunch of girls covering each other in duct tape like in this tutorial:

duct taping for mannequin

The resulting mannequins look quite professional, and I started using mine already. It makes trying on a half finished sweater so much easier.

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